How Do We Change The World?

One random act of kindness at a time.


Celebrated on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day has grown in popularity each year. It is celebrated by individuals, groups, organizations and even QUILTERS nationwide to encourage acts of kindness.
Kindness is one of the most forgotten, yet most wonderful gifts you can give. It heals wounds and brightens days. It brings us together and reminds us that we are more similar than we are different. Sometimes it’s easier to be cold and distant and harder to be warm and vulnerable. Choose kindness always. Be an encourager. Be someone who helps others. Give love. Have compassion. Stay humble. It is the little acts of kindness that make the biggest difference.
So this month, I’m asking you all to carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.
One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou…..People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Now, be kind and go change the world.

From my heart to yours,

Karen xoxoxo

Karen Smith